Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thing #11 - LibraryThing

I had no problems registering in LibraryThing and was able to easily enter 6 books to start my peroson library list. I can see this tool being very helpful in organinzing and expanding my personal library of children's literature. I'm always on the look out for new books to use for teaching different concepts (i.e. tall tales, environmental awareness, birds, habitats, etc.). With access to LibraryThing's BookSuggester and the Group posts of people who share my interests, I should be able to find lots of new resources for literature to support my curriculum. The only problem is that I can't find out how to access the Library Suggester option :-(

There were two groups, "Children's Literature" and "Children's Fiction", that looked like they might be good sources for my collection. I was also interested in the LibraryThing "Local" feature that lists local bookstores and upcoming literary events in the area.

I have tried copying the cover page pictures of some of my books, but so far have been unsuccessful. I'll come back to that later. Done (see side bar)!!

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